Thursday 3 June 2010

A few pages from my sketchbook


  1. Gutted that you're working in Kingston full time. Am I right in thinking you work at McDonalds? I'm moving in with David again and I just applied to his McDonalds there too! As a Customer Care Assistant. Haha. I'd really rather clean toilets than fry food. I've worked in food before and haaaaated it.
    Aww thanks for letting me have yours for free! Let me know when you figure out how I can pay Adrian and I'll snags me a copy. Otherwise, I'll just send two pounds in the post hahaha. ^_^

  2. Hi!
    I know. I have to work here fulltime so I can pay for my house. No,i'm not working at mcdonalds anymore-thank god! It was horrible :(
    I'm working at Baskin Robbins which is an icecream parlour shop (it's american,not sure if you've heard of it?)
    At the moment I'm doing cake training to make icecream cakes and we're going to attempt to make an fathers day cake tommorow!
    Good luck with your job hunting. Working in food is annoying and highly laborious but with the icecream parlour it's fun (sort of)
    Yeah,well if you give me your address I can send both? and maybe just pop two pounds in the post,and i'll give you my address to send it to?
    and i'll send you a little letter and we can be penpals haha
    but i will be back in august,so we should try and see each other then.
    let me know if this is okay m'love,
    miss you!
